An international congress discusses labor change and inclusive policies in Valencia

By 10 May, 2017News

On 11 and 12 May, the headquarters of the Bancaja Foundation hosts the Congress “Labor Change and Inclusive Policies”, which brings together leading international specialists. In one of the sessions of the congress, which will be closed on Friday by the vice president of the Valencian Government, Mónica Oltra and the rector of the University of Valencia, Esteban Morcillo, will present the Valencian inclusion policies and the Valencian Inclusion Income Law.

The congress is led by Belén Cardona, Professor of Labor Law at the University of Valencia, Researcher at the Human Rights Institutes and principal investigator of the research project of the National R & D & I Plan “Labor Change and Inclusive Policies” Within which this international meeting is held.

The first objective of the congress is to identify employment policies that generate inclusive labor markets. The speakers, Professor Belén Cardona explains, will also address the impact that the socio-labor changes produced in recent years have had on the adequacy – in terms of coverage and intensity – of the benefits of the social protection system and identify their inadequacies in As an additional manifestation of the rebalancing of interests derived from the processes of change in business reality. The analysis, he adds, “includes both unemployment benefits, contributory and welfare levels, minimum income for inclusion, as well as measures of social action and social assistance.” Likewise, the meeting will study the issues raised by the sustainability of the public social protection system and explore the possibilities of achieving a rebalancing of the system by generating quality jobs in productive and competitive enterprises. Finally in the congress will be presented the Valencian policies of inclusion and the Valencian Law of Income of Inclusion.

Together with the aforementioned research project, which includes researchers from the universities of Valencia, Seville, San Sebastián and Vigo, the organization of the congress is in charge of the Vicerectorat de Participació i Projecció Territorial de la Universitat de València, with the collaboration of the University Institute of Human Rights, the Bancaja Foundation, the Department of Dret del Treball i Social Security and the ATA-Universitat de València Chair on Treball Autònom.

The complete program can be consulted at: