Pier-Luc Dupont is PhD researcher at Valencia University’s Human Rights Institute and teaching assistant in the Department of Legal, Moral and Political Philosophy, where he imparts undergraduate courses on legal theory, human rights and immigration policy. He participates in the research project “Diversity and conviviality: human rights as guidelines for action” (multihuri.com), led by Ángeles Solanes Corella and funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

He holds a B.A. in International studies and modern languages (Laval University), a MSc in Migration studies (University of Valencia, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Catholic University of Lille) and a M.A. in Human rights, democracy and international justice (University of Valencia). His doctoral thesis, supported by the FPU program of the Ministry of Education, critically examines current interpretations of the right to education, religious freedom and equality from an anti-racist perspective.

He has been a visiting academic at the University of Montreal (Centre d’études ethniques des universités montréalaises) and the University of Oxford (Centre on migration, policy and society).

Dupont, P. (2016). “Theorising the (de)construction of ethnic stigma in compulsory education”, Centre on migration, policy and society working paper 132, pp. 1-31. Dupont, P. (2015). “¿Reconocimiento o antidiscriminación? Una síntesis jurídico-política”, Derechos y libertades 32, pp. 240-275. Dupont, P. (2015). “Del sexismo islámico al sexismo secular en la resolución de conflictos familiares”, en A. Solanes Corella ed., Diversidad cultural y conflictos en la Unión Europea: implicaciones jurídico-políticas, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, pp. 203-222. Dupont, P. (2014). “El Estado español y la lucha contra el racismo: un balance preliminar”, en A. Solanes Corella y E. La Spina eds., Políticas migratorias, asilo y derechos humanos: un cruce de perspectivas entre la Unión Europea y España, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, pp. 423-455. Dupont, P. (2013). “Ruralidad y políticas locales de integración: estudio comparativo sobre las provincias de Alicante y Valencia”, Migraciones internacionales 7(2), pp. 215-244.

Email: pier.dupont@uv.es Tel.: +34 96 382 5319