Erasmus students form European high school students in human rights

By 24 March, 2017News

The Human Rights Institute of the Universitat de València (IDH) will implement a new training experience next Monday. The sixty university students who study human rights in English, mostly Erasmus students, will train forty-two high school students from Germany, Sweden, Cyprus and Spain. The objective, explains the professor of the subject Andrés Gascón, is twofold: “on the one hand, impart basic notions to high school students by promoting their legal literacy; And on the other, to foster the communicative and teaching skills of senior students”.

The IDH has launched this initiative following the demand of a group of secondary education teachers (Spanish, German, Swedish and Cypriot) through the professor and researcher of the IDH Albert Mora, members of the project “The right connection”, which visited this research center last November. The University of Valencia. The group of secondary school teachers, who are part of the IES Tirant lo Blanch de Gandia teachers, develop, through small stays of their students in the different countries, this project, whose objective is the promotion of human rights among students of The institutes involved.

Created in 2005, the Human Rights Institute of the Universitat de València received the Mention of Excellence from the Ministry of Education for its doctorate program Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice. The HDI is part of the Consolider project involving twelve research groups from different Spanish universities, coordinated by the Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Institute of the Carlos III University of Madrid.